Here I am, quick stop in-between at Chicago, third biggest city in America. Everything a bit more huge , everything a bit more different. Someone may ask why I do write in English. Well Arielle pleased me to do and even some other mates from Oz did so. Hopefuly you friends from germany will cope with it. Anyway between Giordano's Deep Dish Pizza (pizza cake filled with cheese *yummy tummy*) or this big bean right in the middle of Chicago, America seems to offer a lot. Right now I stay in West Lafayette, approximately 80 miles southern of Chicago. The complete opposite; a small and quiet town with one of Americas most popular universities - Purdue. Surrounded by Taco Bell (welcome Matze) , Arby's, Den Pops (1l soda can for 60 Cent) people apparently try to study here. Kiddin. You know what's cool? They have cross roads with 4 stop signs on each incoming road...so everybody stops, but who has the way? Apparently the one who came first...hmmm very interesting. Nevertheless the campus is quite impressive, more stylish and homy, not only for studying. It's its own way of living. Yesterday I had a nice dinner at Arielle's family. Boilt corn with butter, baked chicken, pumpkin pie, cheese cake, apple pie and homemade ice cream...I was sooo stuffed. Since they are religious it was quite funny I had my G-SUS pents on with these big letters up my a**. Well her mom noticed but didn't kick me out *puh*. So in barely 4 days I continue my way to the west coast, San Francisco, IBM and folks. I reckon those days of enjoyment seem to be over. I am sooo curious. You too? See ya guys.