Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here I am San Francisco

During the last days at Arielles I was really sick. Somehow the fever, flu or whatever caught me. So I landed at San Francisco Airport, crawled to the rental car location in order to pick up my tiny little KIA...but what happened? I've got a new SUV Jeep instead for the same price. That's this kinda truck for a family of 10 children (ein Colt für alle Fälle läßt grüßen). So me and the tank tried to figure out a way through all these highways, expressways and interstates. It was chaotic, confusing but in the end and overwhelming feeling. Guys once you have seen this area (all towns are melting into one big city) you realize that we have been lived packed like sardines in a can. And more than the half of all people are speaking spanish, guess I need to dust off my lecture books again and keep studying. So I did my way to my place, windows down, the radio turned up to max and the finest mexican Hip Hop *hit it right, get it tight* yeah. Today I went with the owner of my house to a sushi all-you-can-eat buffet. Well almost everything looked unknown to me, of cuz, how else should it be. I better dont mention the taste. But anyway the guy is a quite nice and around the mid 30ies. I dunno if I will stay here since they have no cable TV and air conditioning. I guess for me the WM 2006 will just flash by :( Monday will start my work. I am so curious. My Managers already await me. I prolly get a sponsored laptop ...if so...yeah, my 6 years old P3 1GHz THING is preferably suitable for any kinda toasting, not more. So enough of me. See you around later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.